Choosing the next CEO is a high-stakes proposition, and arguably the most important decision a board can make. Globally, 2 out of 5 CEOs fail in the first 18 months (HBR). And yet CEO succession is not a common board agenda item.
Why leave it to chance when Career Connections can predict the success of your next CEO? We are uniquely qualified and experienced to assist boards with the important and complex task of CEO Succession, helping organisations to design a process that is effective, fair and credible. The CEO role is unique, particularly in the current atmosphere of complexity and volatility, and needs to be approached through a coordinated process of developing internal talent, whilst identifying and benchmarking external talent.
We believe it is important to partner with our clients to deliver a comprehensive and effective CEO transition, succession and on-boarding protocol, and this includes:
- Aligning the board on the future CEO profile and developing a comprehensive success profile
- Developing a succession plan that is multi-layered and multi-generational
- Assessing candidates against industry benchmarks
- Ensuring the CEO succession and development is linked to your longer-term business strategy
- Thinking 2-3 CEO moves ahead, and not simply seeking to replace the incumbent
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